Company Overview
The World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans to developing countries for capital programs.
The Challenge
The World Bank has developed an on-line Creditworthiness Self-Assessment that is used by government officials during Creditworthiness Academies, which are held in various locations around the world. Since use of the online questionnaire inherently requires an internet connection, the Academy organizers wanted a backup method of administering the assessment in the event of internet speed or connectivity issues. As a result, organizers at the World Bank reached out to eSoftware Associates to develop the assessment on a platform that doesn’t require internet connectivity. See the press release here: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2016/04/prweb13361289.htm
The Solution
eSoftware Associates analyzed the existing self-assessment tool and worked with World Bank organizers on re-constructing the logic that guides the user to subsequent questions, challenges and action plans based on prior answers. A stand-alone Excel application was then developed that closely resembles the online version in the interface design and logic.
Key Client Benfits
The World Bank now has a Creditworthiness Self-Assessment Tool that can be used in place of the online Self-Assessment Tool in locations where the internet is down, inadequate or non-existent.
Read more about it here.