eSoftware Associates Inc

Common Power Query Errors and How to Fix Them

Power Query is a great tool for data transformation and preparation in Excel and Power BI. However, like any tool, it comes with its own set of challenges and errors that can disrupt workflows and data analysis. Understanding these errors and knowing how to resolve them is crucial for maintaining smooth and efficient data processing.

Read on as we take an in-depth look at common Power Query errors and offer detailed solutions to fix them.

Understanding Power Query Errors

Errors in Power Query can arise from various issues, including syntax errors, data source problems, and transformation conflicts. These errors are generally categorized into three main types: expression syntax errors, data source errors, and data transformation errors.

What These Errors Can Lead To

  1. Inaccurate Data Analysis: Errors can result in incorrect data being loaded into the model, leading to flawed analysis and decision-making.
  2. Incomplete Data Sets: Transformation errors, in particular, can cause data to be omitted from the final data set, resulting in incomplete information.
  3. Increased Processing Time: Troubleshooting and resolving errors can significantly increase the time required to process and prepare data, impacting productivity.
  4. Failed Data Refreshes: Persistent errors can cause scheduled data refreshes to fail, leading to outdated data being used for reporting and analysis.
  5. User Frustration: Frequent and unresolved errors can cause frustration among users, reducing confidence in the data and the tools being used.

Expression Syntax Errors

Symptoms: Expression syntax errors occur when there is a mistake in the formula or code within the Power Query editor. These errors are typically highlighted by the system, indicating the problematic line of code.

Common Causes:

Example: A common syntax error might involve a misspelled data type, such as writing “tet” instead of “text.” The error message would highlight this mistake, allowing you to correct it by changing “tet” to “text.”


  1. Carefully review the error message and locate the highlighted line.
  2. Check for common syntax mistakes, such as missing commas or incorrect function names.
  3. Use the “Advanced Editor” to examine the code and make necessary corrections.

Formula.Firewall Error

Symptoms: This error occurs when combining data from multiple sources with different privacy levels. The error message typically states that the query is accessing data sources with incompatible privacy settings.

Common Causes:


  1. Set Appropriate Privacy Levels:
    • Navigate to File > Options and Settings > Data Source Settings.
    • Edit the permissions to align privacy levels.
  2. Ignore Privacy Levels:
    • If data sensitivity allows, you can choose to ignore privacy levels by selecting File > Options and Settings > Query Options > Privacy > Always Ignore Privacy Level settings.

Data Source Errors

Symptoms: These errors occur when Power Query cannot access the specified data source. This could be due to a file location change, server issues, or incorrect source paths.

Common Causes:


  1. Update Source Location:
    • Navigate to the affected query, click on the error message, and choose to edit settings to update the source path.
  2. Ensure Accessibility:
    • Make sure that the data source is available and accessible.

Missing or Renamed Columns

Symptoms: Errors occur when the query references a column that no longer exists or has been renamed. The error message will indicate that a specific column was not found.

Common Causes:


  1. Verify Column Names:
    • Check the data source to confirm column names and adjust the query to match any changes.
  2. Use Dynamic Column Referencing:
    • Avoid hardcoding column names that might change.

Data Type Conversion Errors

Symptoms: These errors occur when converting data types, such as changing text to a number. The error message will indicate that conversion failed for specific values.

Common Causes:


  1. Data Profiling Tools:
    • Use data profiling tools to identify problematic values before conversion.
  2. Replace Errors:
    • Apply a “Replace Errors” transformation to substitute errors with a default value.

Cell-Level Errors

Symptoms: Individual cells display errors due to issues like invalid data or unsupported operations. These errors are shown as “Error” in the cell.

Common Causes:


  1. Remove Errors:
    • Select the column with errors and choose Home > Remove Rows > Remove Errors.
  2. Replace Errors:
    • Select the column, then Transform > Replace Values > Replace Errors.
  3. Keep Errors:
    • Select the column, then Home > Keep Rows > Keep Errors.

Step-Level Errors

Symptoms: Errors occur at a specific step in the query process, often due to issues in transformations or applied steps.

Common Causes:


  1. Review Applied Steps:
    • Examine the applied steps in the Query Editor to identify the step causing the error.
  2. Modify or Remove Step:
    • Adjust or delete the problematic step and re-apply the correct transformation.

Best Practices for Avoiding Power Query Errors

1. Use Dynamic References

Avoid hardcoding file paths and column names when possible. Use parameters and dynamic referencing to accommodate changes.

2. Regularly Update Queries

Regularly review and update queries to align with changes in data sources and structures.

3. Error Handling Functions

Utilize Power Query’s error handling functions like try and otherwise to manage errors gracefully.

4. Data Profiling Tools

Use data profiling tools to identify and resolve data quality issues early in the query process.

Advanced Error Handling Techniques

1. Custom Error Handling

Power Query allows you to create custom error-handling logic using the try and otherwise functions. For instance, if you expect certain types of errors, you can catch these errors and handle them in a specific way.

let Source = Excel.Workbook(File.Contents(“C:\Path\To\Your\File.xlsx”), null, true), SalesData = Source{[Name=”Sales”]}[Data], AddedTotalSales = Table.AddColumn(SalesData, “Total Sales”, each try [Quantity] * [UnitPrice] otherwise 0) in AddedTotalSales

Note: In this example:

2. Splitting and Merging Data

When dealing with large datasets or complex transformations, splitting data into smaller, manageable parts can help identify and resolve errors more efficiently. Similarly, merging data back together should be done carefully to ensure data integrity.

3. Debugging Complex Queries

For complex queries with multiple steps, debugging can be challenging. One effective method is to break down the query into smaller parts and validate each part independently. This approach helps isolate errors and understand their root causes.

Common Scenarios and Solutions

Scenario 1: Combining Data from Different Sources

Combining data from different sources is a common task in Power Query, but it can lead to compatibility issues due to privacy levels or data formats. These issues can prevent successful merging and cause errors in the query.


Scenario 2: Transforming Data Types

Transforming data types, such as converting text to numbers or dates, can lead to errors if the data contains incompatible values. These errors can disrupt the query and result in incorrect data being loaded into your model.


Scenario 3: Updating Data Sources

When a data source is updated or moved or its structure changes, existing queries can break. This can lead to errors in data retrieval and processing, requiring manual updates to the query settings.


Scenario 4: Handling Large Data Sets

Working with large data sets can cause performance issues and lead to memory errors in Power Query. Efficient data handling techniques are essential to avoid these problems.



Power Query is a robust tool for data transformation, but errors are inevitable due to the dynamic nature of data sources and transformations. Understanding common Power Query errors and their solutions can significantly enhance your ability to manage and troubleshoot data processing tasks. By following best practices and leveraging advanced error-handling techniques, you can create more reliable and efficient data workflows.

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